Honey Dynasty CAMELLIA

Rose's and Marquee litter wasn't only blessed with 5 Thunder boys but also 2 wonderful girls. Here's one of them. Reserved and calmly observant - our purple rose bud. She's very feminine and soft. She's cautious towards the unknown but when the confusion is  overcome , she's up for some playful fun. Seemed like a flower name would be the most fitting to her personality... ' Japanese rose ' as named by a German biologist. It's a capricious, warm weather plant, which in translation from Latin stands for : ' symbol of immortality' . From now on our little lady will carry a name which will bless her all throughout her life. Our HONEY DYNASTY CAMELLIA 

The tenth week

The ninth week

The eighth week

The seventh week

The sixth week - 46 days old

The fifth week - 40 days old

The fourth week - 31 days old

The third week - 23 days old

The second week - 14 days old

The first week old - 7 days